Economics Postgraduate Student Fund

Economics Postgraduate Student Fund

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The Faculty of Economics has an international reputation for outstanding academic achievement, original research, collaboration and policy making in the UK and beyond. Our work makes a significant contribution to the understanding of the major global issues we face today across fields as diverse as education, conflict, trade, data, supply chains, climate change and economic policy.

Postgraduate students underpin the University’s work to transform our understanding of the world, and our students go on to be leaders and innovators in every corner of society. There are thousands of students out there who have the potential to make their mark on the world and help us solve global problems. And Cambridge must always be a place where they can do it.

Graduate students are a vital source of fresh eyes, new approaches and bold ideas. They learn, through research, to challenge perceived wisdom and to take the initiative to think creatively and laterally, to show resilience and attention to detail. And a more diverse cohort of students improves the robustness of debate, research and learning. It broadens the range of ideas, talents and intellects at work, and our graduates take this knowledge and skill forward to benefit society.

Supporting postgraduate students has an enormous impact on both the students as individuals and their ability to make a contribution to the wider world. Recent postgraduate students of the Faculty of Economics have gone on from Cambridge to exceptional roles, for example:

Margit Reischer studied under the supervision of Vasco Carvalho at Cambridge and received her PhD in 2019. She is now an Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics at Georgetown University, working on Macroeconomics, Production Networks and Applied Macroeconometrics, recently exploring financial frictions and co-movement in the US.

Zeina Hasna gained her PhD in Economics in July 2022 with research interests in macroeconomic development, fiscal policy and climate change. Her projects and papers look at climate change mitigation policies, macroeconomic consequences of climate volatility and the unequal effects of COVID-19 on the research of female economists. Zeina won the Cambridge Faculty of Economics Teaching Fellow Award in 2019-2020 and has gone on from Cambridge to be an Economist (EP) in the Research Department at the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

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The Faculty of Economics at the University of Cambridge is one of the longest standing as well as being one of the leading economics faculties in Europe. The Faculty has a global reputation for outstanding academic achievement and world-class original research.