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Bowmen (CUB)

Bowmen (CUB)

  • Decorative

The Cambridge University Bowmen (CUB) is the archery club for the University of Cambridge.

We are the Cambridge University Bowmen (CUB), the archery club for the University. We are an inclusive club, with members from across the University — staff and students. In addition to our experienced members, who regularly compete in regional and national archery competitions, we also play a big part in training new archers, through our beginners’ course and competitive novice squad. However, we often struggle with the equipment used to teach these new students — we either don’t have enough bows of the right weight or handedness or when something is damaged, we are unable to replace it. Therefore, any donations made will help maintain and replace old equipment for teaching new students. The majority of our archers learn at university, so having suitable equipment to train these students is crucial for us to remain a competitive club!

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Support the Cambridge University Bowmen (CUB)

Donate online or for more information on ways to support CUB, please contact Derek Wilson:

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Make a gift now to support Cambridge University Bowmen (CUB) by credit or debit card, or set up a direct debit:

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Or, find out about other ways to give.

Derek Wilson

Head of Development — Sport, Music Performance, Clubs and Societies


All gifts made through the website are treated as being made to the University of Cambridge with an expression of wishes that the funds be allocated to the registered University club or society which you have indicated as the desired recipient of your generous gift. Whilst the University retains the discretion to allocate the funds for a broader purpose, it fully intends to apply the funds in accordance with your wishes wherever possible. An expression of wishes shall not give rise to a trust or other legally binding obligation. The University maintains a catalogue of Registered Clubs and Societies (including Sports Clubs). The University of Cambridge is an exempt charity subject to regulation by the Office for Students (OfS) under the Charities Act 2011, and therefore does not have a Charity registration number.

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Each sports club at Cambridge has a unique set of objectives and needs. To become fully sustainable in the long term, it is essential that clubs develop communities of philanthropic support.