A day in the life at Cambridge University: Humaira Rahbin
Rowan Williams Cambridge Studentship holder Humaira Rahbin is passionate about women's rights and gender equality.
"There's a severe need for women at the policy level and also in decision-making positions and that drove me to go for a degree in public policy at Cambridge." Having obtained a Bachelors degree in Political Science and a Masters in International Relations in Afghanistan, Humaira has already worked with several NGOs and international groups on projects focused on gender equality.
Thanks to the Rowan Williams Cambridge Studentship, Humaira has been able to move from Afghanistan to Cambridge, with her three-year-old son Arsalan, to take up a place on an MPhil course in Public Policy. Humaira lives with her son at Lucy Cavendish College, which is within walking distance from her lectures and Arsalan's nursery.
In this short film, Humaira talks about her experience of studying at Cambridge, life in the UK with her son, and the impact of the Rowan Williams Cambridge Studentship on making this possible.
"It's a very different kind of lifestyle in Afghanistan than here. Here I have the option and also the freedom to make some decisions that I couldn't make back at home...There are a lot of opportunities ready for you to grab and learn and flourish."
About the Rowan Williams Cambridge Studentship
The Rowan Williams Cambridge Studentship was established in 2018 by the Cambridge Trust to provide ten studentships each year for undergraduate or graduate applicants to the University of Cambridge, who face severe barriers in accessing higher education as a consequence of living in an area of instability or zone of conflict. Named after the former Chairman of the Cambridge Trust's Board of Trustees, the studentship covers full tuition fees and maintenance and in some circumstances travel costs to the UK.
The programme was initiated in October 2017 by the student-led Cambridge Refugee Scholarship Campaign (CRSC), in response to the devastating impact that the ongoing refugee crisis has had on the education of refugee students. The CRSC is committed to encouraging and supporting those whose ability to continue education in their own country has been taken away from them by political and armed conflict.

To find out if you are eligible or to apply please visit the Cambridge Trust website.