Madingley Hall Garden Fund

Madingley Hall Garden Fund

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to support Madingley Hall Garden Fund

  • decorative
  • decorative

Help us ensure that the Madingley garden continues to enhance the experience for students and visitors for years to come

Whether people visit as part of an ICE open day, take a restorative stroll around the gardens and come to the café, visit as part of a National Open Gardens Scheme open day, or enjoy the gardens during a break in studying or working here, everyone who sees them is impressed by Madingley Hall’s beautiful garden.

In a time when well-being is hugely important, whether as part of a study programme or part of daily life, the garden offers a refuge – a place for contemplation and inspiration.  It’s also a teaching resource:  plants are labelled, and booklets on the garden’s history are available for sale. 

A small dedicated staff keep the grounds looking at their best, but there is a need for funding to ensure that the historic fabric, plants and garden features are preserved and the site enhanced.  There is much more we can do to develop the gardens.  

Your donation will help us ensure that the Madingley garden continues to enhance the experience for students and visitors for years to come. 


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Make a gift now to support Institute of Continuing Education (ICE) — Garden Fund by credit or debit card, or set up a direct debit:

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